nspired by Her Brother, Tate Ban Is Raising Awareness for Greens Do Good
Growing up with an autistic brother has been a journey of learning and growth for high school student Tate Ban. As she’s gotten older, she has come to understand the challenges and barriers that exist for individuals like her brother Finn as they transition into adulthood.

Many young adults with intellectual disabilities “graduate to the couch,” as Tate puts it, and do not go on to college or establish careers.
Finn has been fortunate to work at Greens Do Good since 2021, where he’s thrived as an assistant coordinator taking on tasks like seeding, harvesting, and packaging.
As Tate explained, “Finn is extraordinarily proud of being a hydroponic farmer.”
This passion and purpose Tate saw in her brother inspired her to start the Greens Do Good Club at her Ridgewood, New Jersey, high school. Tate, along with a friend and a teacher sponsor, founded the club with approval from the school administration. With more than 30 members, the club has been actively involved in community events, including the Ridgewood Daffodil Festival, and has generated awareness about Greens Do Good and its mission.
Now a high school senior, Tate inspires others to support Greens Do Good by buying their produce and encouraging local restaurants and grocery stores to do the same. She hopes students from other high schools will start similar clubs and help create positive change in their communities.
“Having a brother with special needs has made me more aware of people’s unique qualities, and I think it has made me a better person,” said Tate. “I’ve learned from Finn that we all need to help each other.”
Learn more about Greens Do Good and our mission at greensdogood.com.